April 1, 2011

Can Wearing The Right Color Add To Personality ?

Although appearances are deceptive, yet it is human nature to frame an opinion in the first appearance. It is not only the dress a person is wearing that matters, but the color of the attire too makes a striking difference. Too flashy and colorful apparel usually put up a wrong impression. Similarly solid and boring shades might get you the tag of a mundane person.

Each color has a meaning and different moods can also be conveyed through them. So as a conscious dresser you should always be careful to wear the right colors.

First and foremost be aware of the skin tone which you posses as this is the primary factor which determines your color choice. Different body types go well with different colors  There are colors that make you look thinner, as well as more proportionate. So know your body type before you opt for the right colors suited to you.

To top it all, confidence is a great ingredient that can make one carry the weirdest of colours smartly. Wearing the right color doesn't mean only attires; it incorporates make up and accessories too. The accessories like hand bags (for women) and ties and cuff links (for men) should always complement the color of the apparel, and not over accentuate or underplay them.

The preferences of color should also depend on the occasion one is attending — it might be a party, a formal one or just a friendly banter, it might even be a formal client meeting. Each occasion is completely distinct from the other and therefore the color choice in each case should be different.

All humans crave for attention. Most of us seek to be head turners. It just doesn't happen without effort. It’s not only the looks, it’s complemented by what color you are mixing and matching. A pair of red shoes never goes unnoticed, but it should be complemented by mellowed “no yelling jewellery look.” It all depends on what vibe are you planning to pass to the group or person.

For instance in a professional meeting you are expected to wear formal and solid colors and they are more preferable than the bold ones. Seasons are also determining factors for picking the right color. It is always prudent to wear soft soothing colors during the warm summers as it doesn't hurt the eyes; however you can wear a bright scarf in the chilly winters to make a mark.

It is even safer to wear the boring traditional colors when rushing for a presentation, but you can even make it interesting with stylish and sleek shoes or a bright colored accessory. This would convey the impression of assertiveness and competence.

When going to a party use the boldest of colors  but be confident enough to carry them. Keep in mind all of us are unique; so try to make the best of your uniqueness by knowing yourself; the right colors will buck your spirits high! Wear the best attitude you can. Nothing can stop you from brushing a bottom line and you will be basking in limelight.

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