December 1, 2013

India No More Cares For The Poor ?

The term ‘Development’ in our country has affected depressingly to the citizens, especially the deprived folk, which we generally term as ‘Poor’. There has been scores of incidents, which will would be forever remembered, where the rural India had to pay up badly for the so-called ‘economic growth’. Millions of people have been killed, thrown out of their house & villages, many even thrown out of their community for sake of constructing Industries, SEZs etc. I reckon how the corrupt politicians, contractors and the dalals have badly ruined the humanity, in the name of Industrialization in India.
Illegal land grabbing to set up a TATA Nano plant ?

In past, there have been many incidents, which have left stains on the peaceful fabric of humanity. For example, the fieriest and still fresh in my mind is the Singur issue. Hundreds of poor people revolted against the West Bengal government against their illegal land grabbing to set up a TATA Nano plant. Why did the community had to revolt? What only the poor villagers demanded was – their land? The idea was to quench the thirst of those people who might never know what takes for poor villagers to run their livelihood.

The problem of the evicting farmers & illegal land grabbing exists not only in West Bengal but all over India today. The cause is not promotion of industry as opposed to agriculture but a false economic idea imported from the U.S. These ideas not only disregard a planned and balanced economic development but also promote a capitalistic development of the reformed economy that automatically invites evictions and exploitation's of the poor. The best example of this is China, where there are many success stories of Globalization which could be an example for many countries.

Is their a term called ‘Development’ for the poor ?

In fact experts and social figures in India talk of Globalization. But, will Globalization increase welfare? Will Globalization bring development to millions of people in rural India who are still devoid of the ‘Basic Needs’? I think the government and the bureaucrats must need to consider about their ‘Basic Needs’ first, before even aspiring any SEZs and Industrial projects in various villages of our country. Our rural India which is now afraid of these projects, in contrary, has flourished the Chinese people.
Now, on the other hand if we talk of the deprived community in urban India, for example, the slums, the scenario is still not different. ‘Dharavi’ is the biggest slum in Asia. What’s happened to it? The slum is expanding day by day, and the development is NIL. Every year, the candidates from various political parties arrive here, in sake of votes. They promise the citizens of development & welfare. What happens after they get elected? ‘Dharavi’ still remains as it is. In fact, it is growing every single day. We can’t just blame the corrupt politicians. There is also an unseen nexus between the government officials, real-estate developers and even many NGO who only work for their vested interests. Who has the real answers? Sadly, no one.
‘Dharavi’ – the biggest slum in Asia. Are we proud about it ?

I am sure the youth of this generation would agree with me that, the term ‘Development’ in our country has diminished for the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who mere wander hungry only for votes and power. ‘Villages’ or ‘Slums’, if someone has to suffer, it’s the poor. Each of them at every night sleeps in a hope of betterment. But alas every day remains alike. I know nothing would change in near future. I understand, a set of people cannot bring any change, but a crusade like Anna Hazare’s fight against corruption could bring a sigh of relief. 

HAIL Development !


  1. Good article to tinkle everyone’s commitments towards the poor and under privileged. Each one of us must contribute towards nation building. Its every citizen’s duty. Lets lend a hand of co-operation to bring a positive change in the society.

    1. Thank you so much. Your words are really inspiring and yes, its every citizen’s duty to bring a positive change in our society !!

  2. We cannot call ourselves a developed nation unless we do something substantial to uplift the poor sections of our society. The article effectively highlights the point.

  3. Yes development in this country only means influencing votes. The sad truth is a political party also misled the poor in Singur for its own selfish reason of rising from dust. I feel the Singur issue was more of mismanagement by the then Government of some issues arising out of greater cause of desperately needed development in a state like West Bengal. Development should be inclusive and not limited to the rich and influential.

    1. Singur issue was an eye-opener. But sadly, everywhere poor is always the losing side.


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