December 1, 2011

Festive-Wells Every Individuals !

Traditional festivals are still celebrated. The spirit seems to be alive even in this changed ‘modern world’. Isn't ? 

The term ‘festival’ was first recorded as a noun in 1589. Before that, it had been used as an adjective from the fourteenth century, which means ‘to celebrate a church holiday’. A festival is a special occasion of feasting or celebration that is usually religious. Every ‘new’ year in India as well in other parts of the world, the calendar is incomplete without festivals. Some festivals are celebrated to welcome seasonal happenings such as the rains or the harvesting time whereas others are celebrated to respect Gods and Goddesses as in India. The festivals reflects the vivacity and life-style of its people. Vibrant colors, music and festivity make every country come alive throughout the year.
Ireland, which is considered to be where Halloween started, the day is still celebrated much like it is in the United States. In rural areas, bonfires are lit as they were centuries ago celebrated. All over the country, children get dressed up in costumes and spend the evening “trick-or-treating” in their neighborhoods. A traditional food eaten on this day called ‘Barnbrack' is eaten till today usually baked at homes. Holi and Diwali, the famous Hindu festivals are still celebrated in India since ages.

Holi - The Festival of Colors

Holi celebrations is still colorful with people going in the evenings to meet relatives and friends exchanging hugs and sweets. The colour tikaas might have been replaced by water colors but the spirit of Holi is celebrated throughout the country all over till today. This shows that, people still want to exress their happiness with their loved ones on a special day in a year.

The festival of lights, Diwali has reached far and wide having great. Even the White House celebrated Diwali last year with several Global Indians. Diwali is supposed to lead us to the light of knowledge from the darkness of ignorance. The warmth of this festival still seems to have intact which is still considered one the biggest traditional festivals in India. Exchange of gifts between friends and relatives, shopping, etc makes every individual plan something special for them every year. Holi and Diwali which was once unheard of, in Southern India are now practiced today elaborately. This reflects breaking down of barriers and influence on other cultures. May be, in the modern times, the spirit of festivals bind humanity closer which is missing a lot.

Christmas used to be the festival of singing carols, dressing up the Christmas tree, making sweets and giving away generous gifts to the poor. Though today people rather prefer buying sweets and the tree from a local store, the essence of festivity hasn’t died. Christmas, used to be the time when old friends would meet and celebrate the festival. The spirit of Christmas seems to have been lost a bit today, but the passion is still visible in most of the parts of the world.


Take an example of Hogmanay in Scotland which is still considered an important festival than Christmas. The celebration of Midsummer’s Eve to Harvest festival celebration which each country celebrates at different times of the year because of the growing of different crops and plants is all waited eagerly every year when everybody could meet together after hard year’s work to share their experiences. Many countries around the world today still celebrate and give thanks for the safe gathering of the harvest of plants and crops. These festival celebrations are looked as an opportunity for families and friends to reconnect, which is very rare into today’s world.

Even other festivals, which are celebrated with all zest and vigor seems to be losing their sheen in some way but the undying spirit is still seen across the world. People have always looked forward to the festivals with great anticipation. Festivals have created opportunities for cementing friendships and ending hostilities. Love and harmony are the most important features of a festival, which looks alive with various festivals celebrated in different countries of the world. Traditional festivals are a symbol of our cultures and values, which people has tried to preserve in this modern world.

November 1, 2011

The Importance Of Good Web Designing And Copyrighting

A stunning web design indubitably grasps more user attention. So if you are planning to expand your business in world wide then it’s essential for you to build a good web site. To target your potential customers it becomes vital to create a good website design.

It’s as important as a magazine cover to pull the readers to buy/read the issue. A well designed website with great content needs no time to grab user’s eyeball who visits your website and come to know about your business and your products & services.

The essentials for a good website design.

To build an effective portal your search should start for a good web designer who could transform your business model through some magical web programming & innovative designs. Manageable to find one? Well, then here goes the essentials to get started.

Beginning with an engrossing ‘home’ page, the portal should also contain a ‘about’ page elaborating your services & products, ‘FAQs’, ‘contact’ and a ‘feedback’ page. Web programming in order to contain 6 to 8 pages suffice to effectiveness.

It has become very significant nowadays to have an interactive web design. The inclusion of a forum or discussion board in your website is an imperative factor to keep your visitors coming back for sharing information and tips. Creating your own online community or adding an affiliate program could make more people to sign up to be an affiliate for you. It helps to build and grow number of members for your website. This has become a widely adopted web promotion strategy.

A ratio of images and content in about 40% images and 60% content is advisable. A nice header graphic is often the main attention grabber for people and your target customer will come to associate your header graphic with you and your products & services.

Thumb rule - be creative, be original. Try not to over clutter it and double check with the web programming so that it is a fast loading website. Trust me, these all, works wonder!

If you want to enhance your website rating on leading search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo, then you must take care of appropriate usage of keywords. Usage of relevant keywords plays an imperative function in the success of a website.

Make sure, you work on your web design according to SEO principles so that your website shows up for relevant search queries. Also, be sure with your web programming to make it look good on all resolutions and browsers - Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome or Firefox. Even on mobile phones!

The importance of copyrighting your web design.

Copyrighting your portal becomes prime aspect before getting into business. Phrased as ‘copyright infringement’, this has increased in sheer volume and gamut on web. I’m sure you wouldn't appreciate someone copying your written online information or design. This petty crime has become really infuriating when your hard work and creativity could squeeze out to some else’s business benefit. As there are several considerations for copyrighting a website, it’s prudent to plan your launch of portal in accordance to availability of your legal rights.

October 1, 2011

Love, Friendship & Freedom Are Far More Valuable.

Recently someone shared this story with me, and I thought, it'll be a good idea to post this for you all. So, here it goes.

There was a boy, whose family was very wealthy. One day his father took him on a trip to the country, where he aimed to show his son, how poor people live. So they arrived to a farm of a very poor family, as he considered. They spend there several days. 

On their return, the father asked his son, did he like the trip.
“Oh, it was great, dad” – the boy replied. 

“Did you notice, how poor people live?” 

“Yeah, I did” – said the boy. 

The father asked his son to tell in more details about his impressions from their trip.

“Well, we have only one dog, and they have four of them. In our garden there is a pool, while they have a river that has no end. We've got expensive lanterns, but they have stars above their heads at night. We have the patio, and they have the whole horizon. We have only a small piece of land, while they have the endless fields. We buy food, but they grow it. We have high fence for protection of our property, and they don‘t need it, as their friends protect them.”

The father was stunned; he could not say a word.

Then the boy added, “Thank you, dad, for letting me see how poor we are.”

This story shows that the true wealth as well as happiness is not measured by materials things. Love, friendship and freedom are far more valuable. Isn't?

While the world will pray for “Lakshmi” this Diwali, I'll pray for not just wealth, but also happiness, love, friendship and freedom, all through my life.

September 1, 2011

Indian Auto Sector Vrooms !

Indian Automobile Industry is on high! With steep rise in sales & profits and increasing employment opportunities, the industry is adding up to Indian GDP year after year. It is now undoubted one of the fastest growing sectors in India. The growth trajectory in the last five years seems incredible. According to industry experts, the Automobile Industry in India would be the 7th largest automobile market within the year 2016.

The government step to bring to an end 1991 FDI policy attracted many foreign auto giants to set up their production facilities in India. The sector foresees a triumphant market potential in coming years. According to the production of passenger vehicle is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of around 10% from 2009-10 to 2012-13. 

With the recent mergers and acquisitions on the international dimension, the growth of Indian Automobile industry looks promising. From four wheel segments like Tata acquiring Jaguar & Land Rover; to two wheel segment mergers as in case of Mahindra and SsangYong, the boom in the Indian Auto sector looks unstoppable. Recently launched Tata Nano has set a milestone in the sector proving its potential in International Automobiles zone. The latest break off of more than two decade Hero & Honda partnership and diminishing customer acceptance of classics like Ambassador may be a minute hindrance, but the current growth buoyancy diminishes it all. 

Instead the direct customers are at the beneficiary with customized segments and competitive products to fulfill their needs of owning their dream wheels. It’s enormous to witness established brands like BMW, Volkswagen and a Harley Davidson standing upright in its showroom looking for its prospective buyers in India.

The sector forecasts great intensification in next ten years. Analyzing the past ten year’s progress report, the roadblocks in the growth of the Auto sector seems zilch. The India Auto sectors truly vrooooms !

August 1, 2011

Coke Studio @ MTV Is Struggling To Make A Mark ?

Why is it that, the Indian show is not able to make a mark, as their counterpart has, in their own country. The show has become a rage in Pakistanand are preparing to air its fifth season with its past roaring success. Most of the initial reports & views on various social media platforms, show that, the episodes of the Indian version, aired on MTV India, till date has been immaculately disappointing. The music lovers who have been waiting for the show, for so long to be produced in our own country, sounds discontented with the way the show has been conceived. But, why? Whats wrong ? Whats not working? What looks good? And what doesn't ? Let's see.

Coke Studio in Pakistan

Thumbs Down : 
  • Where are musicians like, Ustad Sultan Khan, Zubin, Rabbi Shergill, Gurdaas Maan, Krishna, Sona Mahapatra, etc.
  • Leslie Lewis looks busy in promoting her daughter. Give us a break !
  • Most of the combinations are weird. For example, Chinnaponnu & Sanjeev T. (Ankiyan Milayoon, Kabhi Ankhiyaan Churayoon.
  • Fusion doesn’t mean, simply fusing two different forms of music. Buck Up Leslie !
  • Where are the other folk music of our Country? For example, Where is Rajasthani Folk ?
  • No synchronization at all. Leslie, you need here lessons from Rohail Hyatt.
  • Worst backup vocals ever. What are they doing here?
  • Camera, Lighting & Arrangement – Simply overdone.
    Odd Combinations ?

    Thumbs Up :
    • Good platform for unexplored talents like, Mausam Gogoi, Advaita, Saurav Moni, Akriti Kakkar & Mondo.
    • Exploring unheard sounds of Folk Music, Sufi Music, Assam, Carnatic, etc.
      Need Change ?

      I am sure we have more talent than Ali Azmat, Tufail Ahmed, Saeen Zahoor, Javed Bashir, Noori & Abida Parveen. Why don’t we see them? Where is that real vibe, everyone ‘s looking for? MTV India& Leslie Lewis need to think seriously about it. I hope we see some brilliant performance and great music in next episodes. Overall, the creation of Rohail Hyatt, the original Coke Studio (Pakistan) by far miles, kills Coke Studio @ MTV.

      Let's hope for something extra-ordinary next season.

      July 1, 2011

      LOOK THE PART: Putting Forth Your Best YOU

      Somebody has rightly said, “Dress for the occasion. If the occasion is business, then dress as if you mean business”. Dressing for success is about putting forth the best “you”, in order to stake your claim in the world of business. In this world of changing business practices and competitive employment, the difference between first and last may just be divided between those who dressed for success and those who never gave personal appearance and self confidence a second thought.

      Did you know that what you wear reveals eight things about you? Those are, Self-esteem, Self-respect, Confidence, Organizational skills, Soundness of judgment, Attention to detail, Creativity and Reliability. Dressing for success is not just about planning how you look and how you act to get a certain reaction, but also to make sure, it impacts your career or business more favorably!

      When it comes to attending job interviews, right clothes can make you look and feel professional in nature. This professionalism is what can help you land a job. Many companies want to hire individuals who will create a good public perception for them. Dressing for success is the first step in showing that you can do so. In fact dressing appropriately might improve the chance of getting your loan approved. Although your business plan will play an important role, this is to show up for your loan appointment dressed professionally and showing confidence. Dressing professionally for your business meetings facilitates in showing that you are the right person to do business with. A professional appearance can help to establish authority on your employees or other coworkers.

      Dressing for success starts from choosing the right style and fit for the occasion. One of an important aspect beside the two is, selecting right color. Every color has a message of its own. Remember the most important part of your personal color scheme is you! Choose colors which will support your psychological mode that day. How you put them together sends your message. It gives you an increased self-confidence and adds immeasurably to your presentation – of yourself and your products and services. 

      Here are important tips to dress for success at your workplace.

      For MEN:

      1. Business Suit: Single breasted suit of grey, navy, black or brown is recommended. Sleeves should end at the wrist.
      2. Shirt: Long sleeved, button down, collared white or light blue shirt is acceptable. The collar should fit perfectly and about one inch of the cuff should show beyond the suit. The shirt should be cotton fabric and well ironed.
      3. Ties: Conservative stripe or small pattern. Avoid bright colors.
      4. Shoes: Black or brown and very well polished.
      5. Socks: Solid and dark to match the shoes and pants and high enough to cover the calf.
      6. Accessories: The only jewelry that should be worn is a conservative watch or ring. Avoid facial earrings. A good leather belt to match your shoes may be worn as well. A professional looking portfolio to keep resumes, a note pad and pen is good.
      7. Grooming: Make sure your hair is neat and which looks professional. Avoid wearing heavy cologne or strong smelling after-shave. Do not eat strong smelling foods before your interview. Make sure your breath is fresh.

      For WOMEN:

      1. Business Suit (skirt or slacks): Tailored conservative colored suit such as grey, navy, brown or black must be worn. Avoid floral prints. The skirt should be no higher than knee length and high slit is strict NO. Make sure your skirt is not too tight and you are comfortable sitting down.
      2. Shirts / Tops: Business-like tops that look neat and are flattering. White or pastels are always professional looking. Make sure your clothes are freshly pressed and have a conservative neckline. Avoid low cut tops!
      3. Shoes: Don’t wear light colored shoes, sandals, or very high or narrow heels. Make sure that your shoes are well polished and in good condition. Mid-heel pumps in grey, navy, brown or black is appropriate.
      4. Accessories: Wear conservative jewelry and simple style earrings. Avoid big bangles and flashy colored purse. A professional-looking briefcase is good option instead of a purse.
      5. Grooming: Fingernails should be conservatively manicured and not too long. Hair can be worn tied back or up if very long. Makeup should be moderate and natural looking. Do not wear heavy perfume.

      No matter what line of business you are in “Dressing for Success” is a key factor in making you stand out from the rest. Dressing for success isn’t just the clothes you wear; it’s the personality you wear with you. If you really endeavor for success and were not paying attention to your dressing till now, its time to upgrade your wardrobe.

      June 1, 2011

      Every Individual Counts Responsibility Towards Our Environment. Why Not Exert Our Part?

      Most of you might have forgotten that, June 5th is World Environment Day. Surely, not worth forgetting it, when we are observing a disastrous change in our environment. Isn’t? However, the good news is that, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has named India, for the first time, as the global host of World Environment Day this year 2011 for 'Embracing the process of a transition to a Green Economy.' India is among a growing number of countries working to address the pressures of ecological change.
      What is World Environment Day?

      World Environment Day, in existence since 1973, is a day that is supposed to stimulate awareness of the environment and enhance political attention and public actionThis day is hosted every year by a different nation with a different theme and is commemorated with an international exposition. Thousands of activities are usually organized worldwide, with beach clean-ups, concerts, exhibits, film festivals, community events and much more. Each year there is a different host city. This year the theme is 'Forests – Nature at Your Service'.

      Why saving our forests so critical?

      India is a country of 1.2 billion people who continue to put pressure on forests especially in densely populated areas where people are cultivating on marginal lands and where overgrazing is contributing to desertification. That was one of the reasons for them to be selected as the host city this year. Forests cover one third of the earth’s land mass, performing vital functions and services around the world, which make our planet alive with possibilities. In fact, 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihoods. They play a key role in the world ecology, releasing oxygen into the atmosphere while storing carbon dioxide.
      Forests cover 31% of total land area while at the same time supporting 80% of terrestrial biodiversity that live in them. Many of the worlds’ most threatened and endangered animals live in these forests, making them crucial to sustaining ecosystems. Not only animals live in the forests, as they also provide a home to more than 300 million people worldwide. Beyond supporting the natural habitat, forests sustain economic growth. In 2004, trade in forest products was estimated at $327 billion. Continued and uncontrolled deforestation therefore not only has devastating consequences for the environment, the wildlife, and communities, but for economies around the world. Rather shockingly, 36 million acres of natural forest are lost each year.
      What can our Government do?

      Governments should develop and implement policies that encourage sustainable use of forests. They should consider cordoning off areas inhabited by endangered species and promote forest restoration where they have been depleted. Private companies also have an opportunity to invest wisely into the new Green Economy whilst developing a socially responsible status with its consumers from this year.
      What can you do?

      Civil society can play a significant role by independently monitoring all parties involved, raising awareness on forests and supporting grassroots initiatives. Like private companies, individuals can make wise premeditated choices over what products they will buy and only purchasing forest products that originate from sustainable sources. This means checking that furniture, wood, paper and other products you buy are verified as coming from legal sources. Most importantly, taking action on forests requires an ongoing commitment to changing lifestyle and therefore is not a one-off action. Your new lifestyle demands that you are forest-conscious in all your choices, consumption, and actions.

      Where to begin?

      The World Environment Day 2011 website will inspire, inform and involve people through unprecedented interactivity, offering daily tips, information and statistics on forest conservation, a platform where people around the world can register their activities, social networking campaigns and competitions to get people on every continent involved. Log on to

      How celebrate this day?

      Celebrate World Environment Day, by organizing simple activities like planting trees, community clean up, organizing environmental campaigns, taking active interest in bird watching. People should also ensure that these activities are just not limited to World Environment Day, but make it a point that they follow these simple yet effective measures everyday in order to protect our environment.

      Lists of day-to-day activities, which can help in conserving our planet and avoid long-term damage, are:
      1. Choose public transport.
      2. Bring a cloth bag for shopping and avoid using plastic bags.
      3. Plant a tree in your neighborhood.
      4. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
      5. Use lights with LED’s or Light Emitting Diode’s over incandescent light bulbs.
      6. Install rainwater harvesting in your house.
      7. Use eco-friendly products to construct homes and commercial space.
      8. Reduce your carbon footprint – walk or cycle rather than drive to work


      World Environment Day is a day for people from all walks of life to come together and ensure a cleaner, better place to be for themselves and for the future generation. All we can do is contributing effectively towards making this planet a greener and healthier place to live in. Remember, it is all about being environmentally conscious, and small changes make a big impact. 

      May 1, 2011

      Baba Ramdev – Guru Or Fraudster ?

      The notion of an Indian guru brings to mind a romanticized vision of an enlightened, otherworldly being swathed in ocher orange robes and followed by hordes of devotees. It is not a “profession” that we give much credence to in today’s world, especially in the West where the concept of an enlightened being guiding and teaching thousands of followers is often viewed as bizarre and cultish. In the classical Indian view, a guru is an enlightened being who guides others to their own self-realization; a concept that is questioned each time it has entered our Western world. So it’s no surprise that as Indian teacher Baba Ramdev is making headlines as a modern day guru, his claims of healing incurable diseases and foretelling the future are causing some to question his authenticity. 

      Baba Ramdev asserts that the practices of pranayama and ayurveda can cure health concerns from high blood pressure to HIV. He talks of corruption from the West and claims to foresee major events like an Indian civil war. Though the proclamations seemed far-fetched, yogis for millennia have carried the same beliefs in the powerful healing properties of breath practices. In addition, the Bombay head of equities trading for a leading Western bank shared similar thoughts about an impending civil uprising due to growing inequality. So is this man a serious yoga adept or a just a seasoned yoga practitioner seeking attention ?

      In defense of his claims, the Guru has chosen to use science to back up his health claims. Under the scrutiny of university observation, Baba Ramdev plans to scientifically evaluate his methods of yoga and pranayama in order to substantiate its benefits. Ramdev is not the first yoga guru to submit himself to this type of scientific observation. In 1970, another yoga guru, Swami Rama, participated in experiments at the Menninger Foundation, which included voluntarily stopping his own heart pumping for 17 seconds and affecting his own body temperature by as much as ten degrees. And he received doubt and criticism from people all over the world.

      The fantastic abilities of yoga adepts can be traced back to the ancient texts. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali chronicles numerous physical and mental feats that can be achieved by the accomplished yogi (siddhis), but he is also quick to warn that these feats are not the equivalent to the end goal of yoga, Samadhi, or liberation. A true “guru” is one who removes darkness, a light of wisdom on the path of another. So, regardless of how many cool tricks a person can do, the real judge of a guru is their ability to remove the veil of darkness and illusion in others through right action and wise teaching. If Baba Ramdev is a true guru, it will not be shown in a battery of scientific tests or in his ability to prophesize the future, but in the authenticity of his teachings and his love for his students.

      What do you think of Baba Ramdev’s claims of healing incurable diseases and foretelling the future?

      April 1, 2011

      Can Wearing The Right Color Add To Personality ?

      Although appearances are deceptive, yet it is human nature to frame an opinion in the first appearance. It is not only the dress a person is wearing that matters, but the color of the attire too makes a striking difference. Too flashy and colorful apparel usually put up a wrong impression. Similarly solid and boring shades might get you the tag of a mundane person.

      Each color has a meaning and different moods can also be conveyed through them. So as a conscious dresser you should always be careful to wear the right colors.

      First and foremost be aware of the skin tone which you posses as this is the primary factor which determines your color choice. Different body types go well with different colors  There are colors that make you look thinner, as well as more proportionate. So know your body type before you opt for the right colors suited to you.

      To top it all, confidence is a great ingredient that can make one carry the weirdest of colours smartly. Wearing the right color doesn't mean only attires; it incorporates make up and accessories too. The accessories like hand bags (for women) and ties and cuff links (for men) should always complement the color of the apparel, and not over accentuate or underplay them.

      The preferences of color should also depend on the occasion one is attending — it might be a party, a formal one or just a friendly banter, it might even be a formal client meeting. Each occasion is completely distinct from the other and therefore the color choice in each case should be different.

      All humans crave for attention. Most of us seek to be head turners. It just doesn't happen without effort. It’s not only the looks, it’s complemented by what color you are mixing and matching. A pair of red shoes never goes unnoticed, but it should be complemented by mellowed “no yelling jewellery look.” It all depends on what vibe are you planning to pass to the group or person.

      For instance in a professional meeting you are expected to wear formal and solid colors and they are more preferable than the bold ones. Seasons are also determining factors for picking the right color. It is always prudent to wear soft soothing colors during the warm summers as it doesn't hurt the eyes; however you can wear a bright scarf in the chilly winters to make a mark.

      It is even safer to wear the boring traditional colors when rushing for a presentation, but you can even make it interesting with stylish and sleek shoes or a bright colored accessory. This would convey the impression of assertiveness and competence.

      When going to a party use the boldest of colors  but be confident enough to carry them. Keep in mind all of us are unique; so try to make the best of your uniqueness by knowing yourself; the right colors will buck your spirits high! Wear the best attitude you can. Nothing can stop you from brushing a bottom line and you will be basking in limelight.

      March 1, 2011

      Be Humane Coz We’re All Human

      It is often said that ‘one’s behavior is the mirror to one’s character’. Indeed, your behavior speaks a lot about the kind of person you are. Our educational degrees will hold little importance if we are not a well-mannered person. In business, as in life, the golden rule is the key: ‘Treat other people the way you want to be treated’. Improved interactions free up energy and time for focusing on work, rather than office politics. But behavioral etiquette is something which cannot be forced on anyone, it has to be cultivated and nurtured within oneself. 

      So, how important is our behavior at our workplaces? Poor etiquette and workplace impoliteness leads to declines in two things. Firstly, it is the ‘Efficiency’. When employees experience dis-courteousness or lack of respect in the workplace, they lose time they would otherwise spend working to worrying about interactions with rude employees. In a recent CNN Money article, UNC management professor Christine Pearson explained that dis-courteousness stops people from performing beyond expectations and causes employees to “take out their frustration on the organization, not the instigator.”

      Secondly it is about ‘Employee Retention’. When employees feel that coworkers’ behavior is impolite or rude, they sometimes consider taking a job elsewhere. According to the UNC survey, 45 percent of those who experienced rude behavior in the workplace contemplated changing jobs, while 12 percent actually took the leap and moved on to another company. Employees who have experienced rudeness in the workplace are less devoted and more likely to misuse time worrying about war of words, but the effects of poor etiquette also extend to interactions with clients and outside business associates. P.M. Forni, a Johns Hopkins University professor and co-founder of the school’s Civility Project, explains, “Good etiquette not only retains good employees, but it attracts new ones as well.”

      Many people are at a loss for where to start improving etiquette. However, remembering a few basic principles and applying them wherever required can undoubtedly be helpful & could transform your professionalism towards your co-workers. They are:

      1. Getting Started: First impressions are important! Remember, you are the ambassador/s of the business. It is important to always act with honesty and dignity.
      2. Show Appreciation: The essence of good manners and etiquette is to be respectful and courteous at all times and with everybody. Therefore, treat your co-workers, cleaners, maintenance people and others with respect and courtesy. Show appreciation for the slightest courtesies extended to you. Show consideration for other people’s feelings. Office etiquette means being thoughtful when interacting with your peers. Apologize if you are clearly in the wrong. If in doubt, apologize anyway. It is no big deal Never blame someone else if it is your mistake. Take responsibility for your mistakes, apologize, and go about correcting the mistakes.
      3. Learn to Co-operate: Be helpful and co-operative with each other. Keep your interruptions of others to a minimum and always apologize if your intrusion is an interruption of a discussion, someone’s concentration or other activity. Never be petty or small minded in your behavior. Be discreet and compassionate in your criticism of a co-worker.
      4. Watch your Manners: Speak clearly without shouting. Loud people are a vexation. Chewing gum and popping bubble gum in the presence of co-workers is neither cool nor dignified. In fact never do it whilst attending customers. Do not cough or sneeze in anyone’s direction. Use a tissue, if possible, to contain the germs and then say “Excuse me”. Good office etiquette is easily achieved by using common courtesy as a matter of course. Show respect for each other’s work-space. Knock before entering. Say, “Please; Thank you; you’re welcome”, as part of your everyday courtesy.
      5. Respect your Elders: Always be particularly respectful to those older than yourself even if they are junior to you in position. Your elders are generally more mature in judgment and life’s experiences and this deserves your respect even in the workplace.
      6. Handling Calls & Emails: ‘Mute’ your cell phone in the office. No fancy ring tones. One place is in common interactions, such as phone and email etiquette. Many times, rushed phone calls and emails are viewed as unfriendly and communicate the wrong message to the receiver. It is a good etiquette to answer the phone with a warm tone. It’s better to keep emails simple — if something is difficult to explain by email, it would be better explained by phone or in a meeting. It’s good to respond promptly to calls and emails, show up on time for meetings and events, listen when other people are talking and say hello to co-workers in the hallway.

      Trust me; these suggestions works wonder for every professional irrespective of their expertise & experiences, if applied accordingly. Finally, it’s the way one reflects that matters. It is not necessary that everyone who applies these tips would start behaving similarly, but adapting them in your professional life would definitely improve your perception towards your colleagues drastically. The mix of right attitude & right behavior towards your co-workers can make you go a long way in improving your performances. Wipe out that differentiation between your family & friends and your colleagues. Remember, after all we all are human. 

      So, why not be humane, isn’t?

      February 1, 2011

      Truly, Incredible India !?

      Indian Day Care Shelter

      Indian Technolojee

      Indian Innovbayshun

      Indian Dating (Thai Style)

      Indian (Grandma) Acrobatics

      Indian Fresh Air Class 

      Indian (Rain-or-Sunshine) Always-At-Your-Service ! 

      Indian (Water) Wars

      Indian (Bike) Body Wash

      Indian Chivalry

      Indian (Chicken) Security

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