July 1, 2010

Role Of Indian Government Institutions In Context of ‘Democracy’

The term ‘Democracy’ says right of the citizens to decide a person under whom he wants to be ruled. Apart from this common definition of the democracy there are several other factors that need to be considered like certain guaranteed fundamental rights and rule of law. Everything done by a government in a democratic country is deemed to be done in the interest of public thus public choice holds highest place in here.

There are several institutions, which hold the ideals of democracy helping Government to govern the country according to voice of public. India has institutions like Civil Police regulated by State Government. Defense forces like Navy, Army and Air Force & Paramilitary forces like CRPF, CISF, BSF & Home Guards are governed by Central Government for maintaining internal and external security respectively. These institutions play very important role in maintaining democracy.

The Indian media have often been the most effective virtual enforcers of prescribed conduct, reporting ceaselessly on the kind of dubious police actions and too-quick findings of guilt that have created wide questioning and disbelief in many official investigations among the public. Middle-class Indians, and certainly the rich, inoculate themselves against the pervasive disease of impunity by paying bribes to the police, as well as to other public service agencies. Perhaps that is why, despite the hard work of many Indian nongovernmental organizations, a truly national movement against both police brutality and police deprivation never seems to get in hold.

Armed Forces are sent into affected areas, where statesmen and diplomats have still remain unsuccessful in ensuring peace. Our Armed forces have not only fought gallantly on the battlefield but consistently and impartially upheld India’s integrity and secular democratic tradition, when all others have failed the nation. If any body needs to reform, then they are the bureaucrats who need to.

Today’s society still recognizes the Armed Forces as much more than brave men immortalized in tales and stories. It perceives them as an inherent part and parcel of the society. It is seen as a pillar always ready to support and shore up civic institutions as and when they fail. Today the image of the soldier and the farmer go hand in hand with those of other parts of society. The Armed Forces have integrated their roles as protectors of society both from within and without and in doing so have prepared themselves for the myriad of challenges that lie ahead.

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