June 1, 2013

Think Before You Eat & Help Save Our Environment

This year's World Environment Day theme

The World Environment Day-2013 will be observed across the globe and in the country on this Wednesday with a focus on reducing food waste. The theme for this year’s celebrations is: Think, Eat, Save.

The campaign addresses the huge annual wastage and losses in food, which, if conserved, would release a large quantity of food as well as reduce the overall carbon footprint. The campaign aims to bring about awareness in countries with lifestyles resulting in food wastage. It also aims to empower people to make informed choices about the food they eat so as to reduce the overall ecological impact due to the worldwide production of food.

Given this enormous imbalance in lifestyles and the resulting devastating effects on the environment, this year’s theme encourages people to become more aware of the environmental impact of the food choices they make and empowers them to make informed decisions.

The significance of World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) is observed on June 5 every year to promote awareness on the importance of preserving our biodiversity, the need to identify problems related to the environment and ways to take corrective action. It was on this day in the year 1972 that the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was formed. First celebrated in 1973, World Environment Day, also popularly known as Environment Day, is a means to tackle environmental challenges that include climate change, global warming, disasters and conflicts, harmful substances, environmental governance, ecosystem management and resource efficiency. 

World Environment Day has received tremendous support from the public, non-profit organizations and governments around the world. Various awareness campaigns - beach clean-ups, concerts, exhibits, film festivals, community events and much more - are organized to spread the message, which is to improve the quality of life of all living beings on this planet without harming nature. All the activities of World Environment Day are carried out to spread eco-awareness and increase green footprint. 

Each year, World Environment Day is hosted in a different city with a different theme for one week that kicks off on June 5. A World Environment Day theme is selected along with an Environment Day slogan, which aims to emphasize the importance of protecting our planet and promote an understanding that they each individually can play a significant and effective role in tackling environmental issues.

The importance of reduction of food waste

According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, 1.3 Billion tonnes of food are wasted every year. This is equivalent to the same amount produced in the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, one in every seven people in the world go to bed hungry and more than 20,000 children under the age of five die daily from hunger.

During each stage of the food supply chain (starting from production, processing, distribution, consumption to disposal), limited natural resources are used up and greenhouse gases are emitted, which contributes to climate change. 

Loss and wastage of food are present in all stages of the food supply chain due to unfavorable weather conditions, pest infestations, and usage of machinery in harvesting, spoilage due to inappropriate transport, handling and storage, packaging damage, stock management inefficiencies, marketing strategies, over-purchasing, poor preparation, or incorrect serving sizes, etc. Reduction of food waste is favorable not only for consumers and businesses alike, but for our planet as a whole too.

Follow these tips to help you reduce food waste, save money and protect the environment:

1. Plan a list !
Menu plan your meals for a week. Check the ingredients in your fridge and cupboards, then write a shopping list for just the extras you need.

2. Affix to the plan ! 

Take your list with you and stick to it when you're in the store. Don't be tempted by offers and don't shop when you're hungry — you'll come back with more than you need.

3. Keep a healthy fridge.

Check that the seals on your fridge are good and check the fridge temperature too. Food needs to be stored between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius for maximum freshness and longevity.

4. Don't throw it away ! 

Fruit that is just going soft can be made into smoothies or fruit pies. Vegetables that are starting to wilt can be made into soup.

5. Use up your leftovers. 

Instead of scraping leftovers into the bin, why not use them for tomorrow's ingredients? A bit of tuna could be added to pasta and made into a pasta bake. A tablespoon of cooked vegetables can be the base for a crock pot meal.

6. Rotate. 

When you buy new food from the store, bring all the older items in your cupboards and fridge to the front. Put the new food towards the back and you run less risk of finding something moldy at the back of your food stores!

7. Serve small amounts.

Serve small amounts of food with the understanding that everybody can come back for more once they've cleared their plate. This is especially helpful for children, who rarely estimate how much they can eat at once. Any leftovers can be cooled, stored in the fridge and used another day.

8. Buy what you need. 

Buy loose fruits and vegetables instead of prepacked, then you can buy exactly the amount you need. Choose meats and cheese from a deli so that you can buy what you want.

9. Freeze ! 

If you only eat a small amount of bread, then freeze it when you get home and take out a few slices a couple of hours before you need them. Likewise, batch cook foods so that you have meals ready for those evenings when you are too tired to cook.

10. Turn it into garden food.

Some food waste is unavoidable, so why not set up a compost bin for fruit and vegetable peelings? In a few months you will end up with rich, valuable compost for your plants. If you have cooked food waste, then a kitchen composter will do the trick. Just feed it with your scraps (you can even put fish and meat in it), sprinkle over a layer of special microbes and leave to ferment. The resulting product can be used on houseplants and in the garden.

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