October 1, 2012

Power Dressing For The Corporate Culture

There is nothing new when I say “Power Dressing.” It is not a contemporary concept. Rather, term was first coined in the late 70s. The politicians and business class were instrumental in introducing “Power Dressing” throughout 1980s. This style of dressing was generally carried forward by the shimmering television hosts, the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Prince of Wales.

Is a formal way of representing oneself? Well, I say a big no. We all dress to impress — be it in corporate meeting or for a cosy dinner. It’s always been a saying “clothes make a man,” so next time you plan for going out, live the phrase !

The most significant thing that one needs to keep in mind is, whether you are a man or a woman, ironing clothes properly. A crease-free shirt/skirt lifts eyebrows than the other way round.

Men should choose the right fabric, and match the right fabric according to your skin tone. Making a mark in a meeting or a presentation is also determined by how you showcase yourself. You can be the best speaker in a meeting; but if you are not dressed prim and proper, I bet the impression is not going to last long.

There was a man who spoke well, do not draw a period following the “well.” Try to bewitch minds when you stand in a room. However, before we begin with our guidelines, one thing needs to be kept in mind. You should be aware of the decree of dress code of your organization. Few adjectives fall in place when you comply with the guidelines of power dressing — confidence, attractive, trustworthy. You can get your job done smoothly, if you are dressed well.

For men having a classic shirt is a must in closet. You must not go out of style in power dressing. Solid colour trousers or skirts must be blended with soothing shirts. For a power look will only be complete when it is complemented by ties, brooches, and kerchief (for men) and proper hair do, jewellery, nail enamel, and soothing gloss.

Both men and women should be careful with their shoes. Men should be careful with shoes laces and polishing their shoes; while women should try to put on stilettos. Wear a perfume and make sure it is not loud. You can try your hand on Burberry or Calvin Klein.

Dressing is not only about the apparel, it also encompasses accessories. The apparel material and season type is also a concern area. Do try to wear cotton and soft colour clothes in summer; while winters can be passed with bold and polyester material. First thing that should be kept in mind is don’t wear casual for business meet. It depicts your character. How you present yourself speaks a lot. You can take a safer route, when you are in a rush, by sporting traditional, boring colours. Often it better serves the purpose, than going over the top.

Never take a chance when you are unsure to carrying attire. Be confident to carry what you wear, because it is the bottom line of “Power Dressing.”
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