December 1, 2012

10 Theories On How the World Will End !

The signs of the times are going stronger. Earthquakes are becoming fiercer, storms are becoming more frequent, droughts appear in rainy seasons, and landslides are taking the toll of so many lives. Aside from natural means, there are so much wars and even rumors of wars that are going around.

With all of these things occurring in the modern days, people are feeling that the end of the world is near. Either they are basing this statement with words from the Holy Writ, or from their gut feeling that the world is slowly cleansed of evil. Whichever their basis would be, here are the top 10 theories on how the World will end.

1. Asteroid Impact 

This is the most famous theory that involves the presence of another asteroid hitting the Earth and ending the lives of everything that dwells within it. In fact, there have been movies such as 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, and Armageddon portraying the scenarios of a possible collision of a huge asteroid that will hit the planet.

2. Biblical Fulfillment of the Prophecy

Before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the words of St. John the Divine will be fulfilled, as written in Revelations Chapter 8, after the opening of the seventh seal. Hail and fire will mingle (asteroids) and is cast down to the earth. Volcanic eruptions will occur, the sea will turn to blood, and a great star will fall down, destroying 1/3 of the planet’s waters. Third parts of the sun, the moon, and the stars will be darkened. Another star will fall down, a person who owns the key to the bottomless pit. Earthquakes and other calamities will happen. Before the Lord comes down, three days of total darkness shall come to pass.

3. Solar Flare

The sun experiences some kind of hiccups known as solar flares. These are outbursts of flames that could jam communications, disturb power supplies, and even destroy planktons due to excessive UV radiation. However, if super flares have occurred, even if it is not directly hitting the planet, it could be enough to toast everything in a couple of seconds.

4. Death of the Sun

Aside from the Earth meeting its doom, the Sun will also reach its end where it will no longer produce heat that would sustain balance in the planet. This is where temperatures will decrease to subzero, not only in cold countries, but also affecting tropical ones. Plant and animal life will perish, and humans will follow too.

5. Interplanetary Alignment

In the winter solstice of 2012, all the planets are set to be aligned with each other, forming a straight line from the Sun down towards Neptune or Pluto. As the sequences of these planets are placed beside each other, gravitational pull will be on the rise, attracting a huge black hole from the center of the galaxy. It consumes all life that comes near it, including the Earth, being sucked into a vacuum of interstellar proportions.

6. Nibiru

One part of the theory has something to do with a huge star to collide with Earth. Some say it’s an asteroid, while others claim it would be Planet X, or otherwise known as Nibiru. When this planet collides with Earth, then it would be the end of everything.

7. Betelgeuse Supernova

Betelgeuse is known to be one of the biggest stars in the universe, even having more than 300 million kilometers in diameter. When it is compared to the sun, it’s just a speck of a dust or a grain of sand. Imagine how this star would end up as a supernova, dying and exploding in space. It is currently 640 light years away, but its explosion can create such impact that it can definitely affect everything in its path, including the solar system. Scattered matter, asteroids, and other heavenly bodies are projected to collide to Earth when this happens.

8. Super Volcano

About 74,000 years ago, Mount Toba exploded that spread 2,500 cubic kilometers of ash that was more than enough to cover the skies and make the planet experience Ice Age for 1,000 years, killing life and destroying everything. Despite the news that over 40 super volcanoes are now dead, there is one in Yellowstone Parkthat is posed as high threat.

9. Alien Attack

Ever since the Roswell incident during World War II, the world has been in watch of the skies, waiting for the coming of extraterrestrial life from other planets. They may come in peace or they goal for the demise of human life. There have been movies showing how powerful these aliens are, and they do not need Visas to show who’s boss.

10. Tidal Waves

There have been reports that due to global warming and climate change, which had resulted from the thinning Ozone layer, ice caps from both North and South Poles are melting each day. This would add up to the increase of water mass in many nations. In fact, there have been observations from geodetic scientists that some cities in the world are slowly sinking. There would also be a massive earthquake that would unleash a huge tidal wave, based from the increased water mass, drowning cities, nations, and countries.

November 1, 2012

Dashrath Manjhi – The Man Who Moved The Mountain

People often ask me, "How can I make a difference in the world?". Most of them do believe, "I am just one person among billions of others, what could I possibly do that would change anything?". 

Well, here is a story of a man who single-handedly moved a mountain !

About five decades ago, a landless farmer, Dashrath Manjhi from Gahlor Ghati of Gaya, Bihar decided to take into task the difficulties of his villagers who were almost cut off from the rest of the world by rocky hills, almost making the place impassable.

Around 1959, his wife passed away from illness and lack of immediate medical care when there was no way of taking her to the nearest medical centre over the 300 feet high hills. Heartbroken after her death, Manji alone resolved to create a pass so that no one person would have to suffer the fate that his wife did. He sold his goats to purchase chisel, rope and a hammer. This sudden change in his demeanour made him a laughing stock with people who laughed at him, calling him eccentric and crazy.

Unfazed by their remarks, Manji hammered away with consistent determination for 22 years. At the end of his arduous labour, he finally came face to face with his dream: the OTHER SIDE of the HILL! He shortened the distance from 70 kms to just ONE KILOMETER, 16ft wide!

Once this task was accomplished, Dashrath Manji became known as the 'Mountain Man'. Sadly, this amazing man breathed his last on August 18, 2007 after fighting cancer at New Delhi's All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and received a proper state burial.

Dashrath Manji, a man who was mocked and ridiculed for his strong will and determination leaves behind a legacy of strong will and determination.

Some invaluable lessons to learn from this Legend:-
  1. Patience is the greatest virtue that leads us to success
  2. Dream the impossible!
  3. Attitude Matters.
  4. Stay Positive.
  5. Don't lose heart if people call you mad and crazy for your unique idea/thoughts.
Therefore, never underestimate the POWER of 'ONE' !

October 1, 2012

Power Dressing For The Corporate Culture

There is nothing new when I say “Power Dressing.” It is not a contemporary concept. Rather, term was first coined in the late 70s. The politicians and business class were instrumental in introducing “Power Dressing” throughout 1980s. This style of dressing was generally carried forward by the shimmering television hosts, the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Prince of Wales.

Is a formal way of representing oneself? Well, I say a big no. We all dress to impress — be it in corporate meeting or for a cosy dinner. It’s always been a saying “clothes make a man,” so next time you plan for going out, live the phrase !

The most significant thing that one needs to keep in mind is, whether you are a man or a woman, ironing clothes properly. A crease-free shirt/skirt lifts eyebrows than the other way round.

Men should choose the right fabric, and match the right fabric according to your skin tone. Making a mark in a meeting or a presentation is also determined by how you showcase yourself. You can be the best speaker in a meeting; but if you are not dressed prim and proper, I bet the impression is not going to last long.

There was a man who spoke well, do not draw a period following the “well.” Try to bewitch minds when you stand in a room. However, before we begin with our guidelines, one thing needs to be kept in mind. You should be aware of the decree of dress code of your organization. Few adjectives fall in place when you comply with the guidelines of power dressing — confidence, attractive, trustworthy. You can get your job done smoothly, if you are dressed well.

For men having a classic shirt is a must in closet. You must not go out of style in power dressing. Solid colour trousers or skirts must be blended with soothing shirts. For a power look will only be complete when it is complemented by ties, brooches, and kerchief (for men) and proper hair do, jewellery, nail enamel, and soothing gloss.

Both men and women should be careful with their shoes. Men should be careful with shoes laces and polishing their shoes; while women should try to put on stilettos. Wear a perfume and make sure it is not loud. You can try your hand on Burberry or Calvin Klein.

Dressing is not only about the apparel, it also encompasses accessories. The apparel material and season type is also a concern area. Do try to wear cotton and soft colour clothes in summer; while winters can be passed with bold and polyester material. First thing that should be kept in mind is don’t wear casual for business meet. It depicts your character. How you present yourself speaks a lot. You can take a safer route, when you are in a rush, by sporting traditional, boring colours. Often it better serves the purpose, than going over the top.

Never take a chance when you are unsure to carrying attire. Be confident to carry what you wear, because it is the bottom line of “Power Dressing.”

September 1, 2012

Facebook Vs Twitter – The Facts

We use Facebook and Twitter every day, but did you know the sheer scale of the two largest social networks on the planet?

August 1, 2012

The Amazing Story of Spencer West

Spencer West lost his legs as a child scales 19,000 ft-high Kilimanjaro by crawling on his HANDS for seven days.

It's a feat most able-bodied people would struggle to achieve - scaling one of the highest peaks on the planet. Spencer West managed it using just his hands. The 31-year-old, from Toronto, Canada - who lost his legs when he was just five years old - reached the summit of the 19,341ft high Mt. Kilimanjaro on Tuesday after a slow, gruelling and awe-inspiring trek.

Spencer West, celebrates at the peak of Kilimanjaro on Monday,
after scaling the tallest mountain in Africa on his hands

Mr West was born with sacral agenesis, a genetic disorder that left his lower spine poorly developed and his legs permanently crossed. He had his legs removed below the knees at the age of three and, two-years-later, had them amputated to below his pelvis. Medical experts told the courageous Canadian he would never be a functioning member of society but he has continued to defy doctors his entire life.

Because of the rough terrain, Mr West had to complete most of the seven-day trek on
his hands, only using a wheelchair when the ground allowed
He was supported the whole way by best friend David Johnson and Alex Meers
He trained for a year to scale the tallest peak in Africa without legs and set off on June 12 with best friends David Johnson and Alex Meers. The trek to the top took seven days, hiking through Tanzania's jungles, snowfields and deserts - and Mr West was forced to make 80 per cent of the journey on his hands, only hopping in a custom-made wheelchair when the terrain allowed. The trio made it to the final approach on Sunday and rose the following morning for the ascent to Uhuru Peak. They reached the top at 11.15am after a exhausting seven hour hike.

Mr West's hands were left bloodied and bruised after the trek, but insists the pain and discomfort were 'worth it

Only 50 per cent of people who attempt to scale the mountain make it to the top - and Mr West described the moment he reached the summit as 'incredible'. He said: 'The summit sign seemed almost like a mirage.

When he was a child doctors told Mr West he would struggle to play a role in society - something he has remained determined to prove wrong

Reaching the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro was the most mentally and physically challenging thing I have ever done, but in doing so, it reinforced the powerful message behind believing in yourself, and believing in others. 'So many people made this journey possible for me and I am so humbled by everyone's support.'

The brave climber grins as he reaches the foot of Kilimanjaro -
ahead of the final trek to the top

Mr West slipped a pair of flip-flops on his hands to help him negotiate the
rocky terrain during his hike up the mountain, which looms in the background
Porters carry Spencer West's wheelchair up Kilimanjaro, so he can use it when
the terrain allows him to give his battered hands a break
'We looked around and realised that, after seven grueling days of relentless climbing, after 20,000 feet of our blood, sweat, tears and vomit we had actually made it. 'The bleeding fingers and blisters were all worth it.'

Spencer West spent a year training for the Kilimanjaro trek
at his home in Toronto, Canada

He had to be sure he had enough strength in his arms to
carry him up the 19,000 ft high mountain

He added: 'I set out to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro not only to redefine what's possible for me, but to inspire others to overcome obstacles and challenges of their own, and to give back to communities, that need our help.

His incredible feat has raised more than £300,000 for Free The Children, a charity which brings sustainable to thousands of Kenyans experiencing drought.

July 1, 2012

An Innocent Letter to GOD !

A little boy wanted Rs.50 very badly and prayed for weeks, 
but nothing happened. 

Finally he decided to write GOD a letter requesting for Rs.50.

When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to "GOD, INDIA" ;  
they decided to forward it to the President of the India as a joke. 

The President was very amused after reading the letter. 

He thought that Rs.50 would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy, 
and he did not want to spoil the kid.  

Hence, he instructed his secretary to send the little boy Rs.20.

The Money Order arrived.

The little boy was delighted with Rs.20, 
and decided to write a thank you note to GOD, which read:

"Dear GOD ...
Thank you very much for sending the money. 
However, I noticed that ...
you sent it through the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi
and still those Idi**s deducted Rs.30 as Tax ..."

June 1, 2012

The World Day To Combat Desertification

The World Day to Combat Desertification is observed every year on 17 June all over the world. The aim of the United Nations in designating a day of observance is to sensitize the public and policy makers to the increasing dangers of desertification, land degradation and drought for the international community. The observance events are designed to get everyone to undertake at least one action that year to help minimize the threat highlighted. This being the International Year on Forests, the World Day to Combat Desertification for 2011 will focus specifically on the forests in the drylands areas of the world, guided by the motto: ‘Forests keep drylands working’.

Desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) threaten human security by depriving people of the means to decent livelihoods. They undercut food production, access to water and the means to economic activity, and even destroy their homes. At worst, they lead to a breakdown in national and regional security as people are forced to leave their homes or to engage in low- or high-level intensity conflicts over increased or extended periods of resource scarcity.

Land degradation in the drylands, commonly known as desertification, begins with the clearing of vegetation, which means “forests are the first step towards healing the drylands and protecting them from desertification and drought,” as Mr Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification observes. Dry forests may become the single most important determinant of the future sustainability of the drylands as the impacts of climate change escalate. Yet, only 18% of the drylands is forested.

The United Nations has designated 2011 as the International Year of Forests to stress the need for forests that serve people. Scientists and experts agree that this link is most evident and felt in the drylands where trees play multiple roles for the communities. They provide food and medicine for the people and their livestock. They are their places of worship and shelter and their decision-making centers. Trees mean life here and are not taken for granted by the close to 2 billion inhabitants that call drylands ‘home’.

In his call to the international community in February when unveiling the 2011 theme, Mr. Gnacadja stated, “If each of us makes the commitment and ensures that just one tree is planted in a degraded part of the drylands and that the tree survives through the year, we could have well over two billion trees in the drylands by the end of the year. That is a tree for every inhabitant. …let us go forth and forest the drylands to keep them working for present and future generations.”

Will you make a difference to the drylands this June or will the moment pass?

May 1, 2012

Free-dome Of Creative Minds ?

How long the artistic freedom of expression will have to be surrendered in the hands of fanatic crooks?

Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul of the Delhi High Court in his landmark judgment passed on May 8, 2008, described the word nude as a "perennial art subject". Justice Kaul explaining some of the paintings called as ’obscene’, ’vulgar’, ’depraving’, ’prurient’ and ’immoral’ said that, it was important to look at art from the artist’s perspective.

The famous Indian painter Maqbool Fida (M F) Hussain was driven into self-imposed exile in Dubai and London due to furor over his paintings among pro-Hindu radicals in 2007. The judgment was passed against number of petitions filed by the 92-year-old Indian artist. Several lawsuits were filed against Husain demanding prosecution over the nudity in his art, for painting Hindu goddesses nude and depicting contours of India in the shape of a nude female figure.

Art is subjective and not a real life depiction. Artists should not have any boundaries or restrictions, but the question of ‘art’ being ethically sensitive to the common perspective of society still worries the creative minds. The self-restraint in creating works of ‘art’ will definitely compromise with the artistic creativity. The usual comparison between art and pornography is ridiculous.

Commenting on Indian old heritage, Justice Kaul had said, “"Ancient Indian art has been never devoid of eroticism where sex worship and graphical representation of the union between man and woman has been a recurring feature.” Passing a judgment on the controversial painting called ‘Bharat mata’, he said, "The aesthetic touch to the painting dwarfs the so called obscenity in the form of nudity and renders it so picayune and insignificant that the nudity in the painting can easily be overlooked".

Freedom of Expression is one of the fundamental principles of liberalism. The Indian Constitution defines the term as "liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship" which is figured in our admirable preamble. Freedom of Expression also recognizes the basic right of every human being, irrespective of color, race, gender or status. With reference to ridiculous attacks on artists across world, the ‘right’ has been under siege. The artist’s expression has been ruined by certain groups in our society who, claim to speak for the majority. Few lunatic individuals who claim to have the right to scrutinize the work of artistic aesthetics, tend to forget that every artist has the right to express his/her creativity.

There have been many debates in the past that whether the State has the will to protect the right to artistic truth and the right to critique. So far the law has been fairly decent to the artist’s freedom of artistic expression. But surprisingly in one of the only case in India, Supreme Court had banned the book, D. H. Lawerence's Lady Chatterly's Lover on the ground of obscenity. The book was banned because of some facts about love and relationship diligently explained. The ban leaves a question on the law and on the existence of free democracy in this country.

Taslima Nasreen’s episode shakes the conscience of all of us who believe in civilization. The reason for attack on the noted Bangladeshi writer was that, she dared in her book, to question the fundamental tenets of Islam, which places the women on a different status in the name of Holy God — the Allah.

The incident left with riots in Kolkata. After few weeks it followed with the shame marked on the Indian government which couldn’t give protection to Taslima from leaving the country for her safety.

Many infamous incidents in pasts which have shattered the term ‘freedom of artistic expression’ in India have been from paintings to books to films. There has been many artistic pieces which has been banned in past in India. The books ‘The Satanic Verses’ by Salman Rushdie and ‘Understanding Islam through Hadis’ by Ram Swarup has been banned fearing few fanatic Islamist groups.  On other hand, films like ‘Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love’ (1996) directed by Mira Nair and ‘Fire’ (1996) directed by Deepa Mehta saw several violent protests and attacks on movie theaters by Hindu fundamentalists. Beside grounds of ‘sexuality’ & ‘religion’ there has many artists who had to face humiliation due to their subjects based on ‘politics’. Probably the first ban on a film on political subject date’s back to 1959, when a Bengali film ‘Neel Akasher Neechey’ was banned for two years for explicit political implication which showed the troubles faced by an immigrant Chinese wage laborer in 1930s in Calcutta.

People have been violent and vandalized art galleries, threatening artists with dire consequences to issuing religious implications on artists. In a free society which boasts of democracy, it is the Constitution that should be the supreme law, not fatwas or declarations issued by cultural vigilantes. The individual's right to freedom still remains vague in context to recent bitter events which the artists have been tolerating.

April 1, 2012

पंचायत का निर्णय - एक बेहद उम्दा कहानी !

एक बार एक हंस और हंसिनी हरिद्वार के सुरम्य वातावरण से भटकते हुए उजड़े, वीरान और रेगिस्तान के इलाके में आ गये ! 

हंसिनी ने हंस को कहा कि ये किस उजड़े इलाके में आ गये हैं ? यहाँ न तो जल है, न जंगल और न ही ठंडी हवाएं हैं ! यहाँ तो हमारा जीना मुश्किल हो जायेगा ! भटकते २ शाम हो गयी तो हंस ने हंसिनी से कहा कि किसी तरह आज कि रात बिता लो, सुबह हम लोग हरिद्वार लौट चलेंगे ! रात हुई तो जिस पेड़ के नीचे हंस और हंसिनी रुके थे उस पर एक उल्लू बैठा था। वह जोर २ से चिल्लाने लगा। 

हंसिनी ने हंस से कहा, अरे यहाँ तो रात में सो भी नहीं सकते। ये उल्लू चिल्ला रहा है। हंस ने फिर हंसिनी को समझाया कि किसी तरह रात काट लो, मुझे अब समझ में आ गया है कि ये इलाका वीरान क्यूँ है ? ऐसे उल्लू जिस इलाके में रहेंगे वो तो वीरान और उजड़ा रहेगा ही। पेड़ पर बैठा उल्लू दोनों कि बात सुन रहा था। सुबह हुई, उल्लू नीचे आया और उसने कहा कि हंस भाई मेरी वजह से आपको रात में तकलीफ हुई, मुझे माफ़ कर दो। हंस ने कहा, कोई बात नही भैया, आपका धन्यवाद ! 

यह कहकर जैसे ही हंस अपनी हंसिनी को लेकर आगे बढ़ा, पीछे से उल्लू चिल्लाया, अरे हंस मेरी पत्नी को लेकर कहाँ जा रहे हो। हंस चौंका, उसने कहा, आपकी पत्नी? अरे भाई, यह हंसिनी है, मेरी पत्नी है, मेरे साथ आई थी, मेरे साथ जा रही है ! 

उल्लू ने कहा, खामोश रहो, ये मेरी पत्नी है। दोनों के बीच विवाद बढ़ गया। पूरे इलाके के लोग इक्कठा हो गये। कई गावों की जनता बैठी। पंचायत बुलाई गयी। पंच लोग भी आ गये ! बोले, भाई किस बात का विवाद है ? लोगों ने बताया कि उल्लू कह रहा है कि हंसिनी उसकी पत्नी है और हंस कह रहा है कि हंसिनी उसकी पत्नी है ! 

लम्बी बैठक और पंचायत के बाद पञ्च लोग किनारे हो गये और कहा कि भाई बात तो यह सही है कि हंसिनी हंस की ही पत्नी है, लेकिन ये हंस और हंसिनी तो अभी थोड़ी देर में इस गाँव से चले जायेंगे। हमारे बीच में तो उल्लू को ही रहना है। इसलिए फैसला उल्लू के ही हक़ में ही सुनाना है ! फिर पंचों ने अपना फैसला सुनाया और कहा कि सारे तथ्यों और सबूतों कि जांच करने के बाद यह पंचायत इस नतीजे पर पहुंची है कि हंसिनी उल्लू की पत्नी है और हंस को तत्काल गाँव छोड़ने का हुक्म दिया जाता है ! 

यह सुनते ही हंस हैरान हो गया और रोने, चीखने और चिल्लाने लगा कि पंचायत ने गलत फैसला सुनाया। उल्लू ने मेरी पत्नी ले ली ! रोते- चीखते जब वहआगे बढ़ने लगा तो उल्लू ने आवाज लगाई - ऐ मित्र हंस, रुको ! हंस ने रोते हुए कहा कि भैया, अब क्या करोगे ? पत्नी तो तुमने ले ही ली, अब जान भी लोगे ? 

उल्लू ने कहा, नहीं मित्र, ये हंसिनी आपकी पत्नी थी, है और रहेगी ! लेकिन कल रात जब मैं चिल्ला रहा था तो आपने अपनी पत्नी से कहा था कि यह इलाका उजड़ा और वीरान इसलिए है क्योंकि यहाँ उल्लू रहता है ! मित्र, ये इलाका उजड़ा और वीरान इसलिए नहीं है कि यहाँ उल्लू रहता है । यह इलाका उजड़ा और वीरान इसलिए है क्योंकि यहाँ पर ऐसे पञ्च रहते हैं जो उल्लुओं के हक़ में फैसला सुनाते हैं ! 

शायद ६५ साल कि आजादी के बाद भी हमारे देश की दुर्दशा का मूल कारण यही है कि हमने हमेशा अपना फैसला उल्लुओं के ही पक्ष में सुनाया है। इस देश क़ी बदहाली और दुर्दशा के लिए कहीं न कहीं हम भी जिम्मेदार हैं।

March 1, 2012

Unknown Phenomenon – Mysterious Facts In The World

There are disturbing, mysterious facts in the world that some might have a hard time believing. Unknown phenomenon, and pieces of lost history turn up almost every day. In this page we show you some of the most puzzling things that even some of the smartest minds can’t figure out.

Scientists are still baffled as to why humans have different blood types at all.

  1. Karl Landsteiner, in the early 1900s, discovered the types of blood, and that certain kinds cannot mix. There are many theories on how we came to have these categories, but the question of why humans have different blood types at all, still remains unanswered.
  2. There is a thundercloud in Australia that forms almost every afternoon from september to march each year. It has become the subject of numerous studies by meteorologist worldwide.

Image source: wikipedia

Hector the Convector, forms almost every afternoon on The Tiwi Islands in Northern Territory, Australia. Generally, from September to March each year, it reaches heights of approximately 20 kilometers. It is said to be caused by nearby sea breezes.(source)

3. A skeleton, 6-8 inches long, was discovered outside a Chilean ghost town.

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Hard teeth, bulging head, and scaled skin made most think this was something extraterrestrial. Only after it was declared human, did the question arise for an explanation for it’s size, mutations, and origin. None of those answers were ever found.

4. Nearly 90 different commercial airliners have gone missing in the last seven decades.

Without a single piece of wreckage ever located, the mysteries of what happen to almost one-hundred different planes, continue baffle people to this day. No one knows where they went, or what happened to the vanished planes.(source)

5.In 1973, two men arrived at a sheriffs office claimed to be abducted by aliens with lobster-claw hands.

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Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing when they said they were taken. They talked in distressed voices about the abduction, told the same story (even though they were in different rooms), and Hickson even passed a polygraph exam.(source)

6. In 1876 it mysteriously rained meat over a Kentucky area near Rankin in Bath County.

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The Kentucky Meat Shower” meat was studied by the Newark Scientific Association and found to contain lung tissue from either a horse or infant (both structures of organs being quite similar), muscle tissue, and cartilage.(source)

7. “The Black Knight Satellite” whose origin and purpose were unknown, was spotted before any man-made satellites were launched.

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In 1954, a retired air force major reported that the U.S Air Force spotted two satellites orbiting Earth. Some claim this black knight satellite may 13,000 years old, and has been both sighted and photographed.(source)

8. In 1967, Australia lost a prime- minister. It was one of the largest search operations in the country’s history, yet no remains, or personal belongings were ever found.

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Harold Holt was Prime Minister for 22 months before he disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach. A massive man hunt began by police, Royal Australian Navy divers, Royal Australian Air Force helicopters, Army personnel, and many local volunteers.(source)

9. In 2003 a Boeing 727 was stolen from an Angolan airport even though the suspected thieves were believed to have no abilities to fly an aircraft.

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The plane took off without any communication or clearance from the tower. With the lights off, and transponder disabled, it flew above the Atlantic Ocean never to be seen of again.(source)

10.A gorilla responds to a question about death with: “Comfortable hole, bye”

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There is a gorilla famous for knowing sigh language, named Koko. When asked where gorillas go after death, the gorilla hastily responded by signing “Comfortable hole, bye.”(source)

11. The Kepler telescope has spotted roughly 1,200 possible worlds, including 68 that are earth sized planets.

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1 out of every 37 to 1 out of every 70 sun-like stars may harbor an alien earth. These findings alone can hint to billions of planets in our galaxy that could harbor life.(source)

Do you still think we are alone in this universe?

12. In 1518, a “dancing plague” struck Strasbourg, Alsace.

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Some suffered heart attacks, strokes, and many others died from sheer exhaustion. This was due to the fervent dancing in the streets that lasted over a period of about a month. Hundreds were affected, and it still remains unexplained.(source)

13. After enduring a brain injury in the shallow end of a swimming pool, a man awoke with the condition known as: Acquired Musical Savant Syndrome.

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He may have lost 35% of his hearing, and some memory loss, but he gained the ability to become a great pianist. A few days after the incident he said he felt “inexplicably compelled” to sit at a keyboard.(source)

14.There is a 240 paged book called The Voynich Manuscript, it was said to be written in the early 15th century in a language completely unknown.

Image source: Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University

The illustrations point to the possibility that the book is a medieval or early modern book of medicine. The Voynich manuscript has been studied by many professional cryptographers, yet no one has succeeded in deciphering the text.(source)

15. The “Traub,” the rarest motorcycle in the world, was found behind a brick wall in Chicago in 1968, and still runs to this day.

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An examination from Dale Walksler, the current owner, reveals it can be dated back to 1916. The engine’s technology was well ahead of its time, and even some mechanisms on it had never used on any other American motorcycle.(source)

16. A man spent 67 years of his life stereoblind, which is the inability to experience depth perception. Only after having to pay for 3D glasses to watch the movie Hugo, that his brain suddenly clicked.

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About 5-10% of the population who have stereoblindness see the world as if it was a background image. He was able to experience three dimensional vision long after the movie ended even though conventional wisdom stated that it is impossible.(source)

17. In 1975 odd and anxious behaviors of dogs and other animals led to the evacuation of a city who, hours later, experienced a 7.3 magnitude earthquake.

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In the Chinese city of Haicheng, these observations led to an order for 90,000 residents to evacuate the city. Only a few hours afterward, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake destroyed nearly 90% of the city

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