December 1, 2011

Festive-Wells Every Individuals !

Traditional festivals are still celebrated. The spirit seems to be alive even in this changed ‘modern world’. Isn't ? 

The term ‘festival’ was first recorded as a noun in 1589. Before that, it had been used as an adjective from the fourteenth century, which means ‘to celebrate a church holiday’. A festival is a special occasion of feasting or celebration that is usually religious. Every ‘new’ year in India as well in other parts of the world, the calendar is incomplete without festivals. Some festivals are celebrated to welcome seasonal happenings such as the rains or the harvesting time whereas others are celebrated to respect Gods and Goddesses as in India. The festivals reflects the vivacity and life-style of its people. Vibrant colors, music and festivity make every country come alive throughout the year.
Ireland, which is considered to be where Halloween started, the day is still celebrated much like it is in the United States. In rural areas, bonfires are lit as they were centuries ago celebrated. All over the country, children get dressed up in costumes and spend the evening “trick-or-treating” in their neighborhoods. A traditional food eaten on this day called ‘Barnbrack' is eaten till today usually baked at homes. Holi and Diwali, the famous Hindu festivals are still celebrated in India since ages.

Holi - The Festival of Colors

Holi celebrations is still colorful with people going in the evenings to meet relatives and friends exchanging hugs and sweets. The colour tikaas might have been replaced by water colors but the spirit of Holi is celebrated throughout the country all over till today. This shows that, people still want to exress their happiness with their loved ones on a special day in a year.

The festival of lights, Diwali has reached far and wide having great. Even the White House celebrated Diwali last year with several Global Indians. Diwali is supposed to lead us to the light of knowledge from the darkness of ignorance. The warmth of this festival still seems to have intact which is still considered one the biggest traditional festivals in India. Exchange of gifts between friends and relatives, shopping, etc makes every individual plan something special for them every year. Holi and Diwali which was once unheard of, in Southern India are now practiced today elaborately. This reflects breaking down of barriers and influence on other cultures. May be, in the modern times, the spirit of festivals bind humanity closer which is missing a lot.

Christmas used to be the festival of singing carols, dressing up the Christmas tree, making sweets and giving away generous gifts to the poor. Though today people rather prefer buying sweets and the tree from a local store, the essence of festivity hasn’t died. Christmas, used to be the time when old friends would meet and celebrate the festival. The spirit of Christmas seems to have been lost a bit today, but the passion is still visible in most of the parts of the world.


Take an example of Hogmanay in Scotland which is still considered an important festival than Christmas. The celebration of Midsummer’s Eve to Harvest festival celebration which each country celebrates at different times of the year because of the growing of different crops and plants is all waited eagerly every year when everybody could meet together after hard year’s work to share their experiences. Many countries around the world today still celebrate and give thanks for the safe gathering of the harvest of plants and crops. These festival celebrations are looked as an opportunity for families and friends to reconnect, which is very rare into today’s world.

Even other festivals, which are celebrated with all zest and vigor seems to be losing their sheen in some way but the undying spirit is still seen across the world. People have always looked forward to the festivals with great anticipation. Festivals have created opportunities for cementing friendships and ending hostilities. Love and harmony are the most important features of a festival, which looks alive with various festivals celebrated in different countries of the world. Traditional festivals are a symbol of our cultures and values, which people has tried to preserve in this modern world.

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