August 1, 2009

Do ‘Hate Speeches’ Really Affect ‘Secular’ India ?

Hindu’s should not be proud if some ‘non-Muslim’ courageously say something objectionable about Muslims. There is no manliness in spreading hatred. Nor is there any manliness when any Muslim cleric talks of taking revenge from Kafirs.

Varun Gandhi or some ‘mullah’ who spread hatred ‘may be’ hungry for power, have a huge sense of self importance and feel they can win popular support of the people – be they common Hindus or Muslims by such ugly rhetoric.  Even if Hindus and Muslims have not lived happily before (which is absolute rubbish), we must not recollect the distorted past today to justify hatred for each other and destroy our ‘Common’ future. It is not at all that difficult to defeat hatred and say ‘No’ to anyone teaching violence and hatred in the name of religion.

In Europe, the Protestants and the Catholics used to kill each other, but because of past hatred have they keep the enmity alive? ‘No’.

There might have been a time when ‘Mahmud of Ghazni’ came and destroyed temples. But today largely Muslims live in fear – a fear where some feel that they are going to face existential threat from Hindus. This is not a good feeling but Muslims (also Hindus) too must rise from this. They have to get out of the fear psychosis and say ‘No’ to it.

And yes, the holy Quran will never say – ‘behead Hindus’. In fact no holy text of any religion would preach this.

Varun Gandhi’s hate speech at Pilibhit (UP) in Lok Sabha elections might have left a scar to secular country, but does it really matter to voters? I think, for the majority it doesn’t. And yes, scars do heal !

Lets make India proud, not our community ?!
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